Applications are due February 13
The Inclusive History Project (IHP) is pleased to invite grant proposals for the IHP Research & Engagement Fund. Mini grants are available for up to $3,000, and large grants are available for up to $25,000.
The IHP operates as a hub for a range of activities and partnerships related to its mission to produce and share an inclusive and wide-ranging history of the University of Michigan. We therefore provide funding for compelling research and engagement projects that originate outside of the IHP and advance the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the university’s past with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Such projects may inform future reparative actions recommended by the IHP.
The IHP Research & Engagement Fund is designed to catalyze projects that will engage our campuses and local communities in learning about the university’s history of inclusion and exclusion. Grants are available both to support the design and implementation of these new research and engagement projects and to fund the expansion and completion of existing projects. The IHP is interested in proposals for a wide range of projects that include research on the university’s history and engagement in some form, which may include more traditional research projects, exhibits, walking tours, performances, workshops, etc.
Faculty, staff, and units are invited to apply for large grants, and may apply as individuals or collaborative teams. The IHP is especially interested in projects that involve multigenerational teams, promote collaboration across departments and units, and facilitate engagement with multiple audiences.
As a tri-campus project, the IHP highly encourages collaboration across campuses.