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Chicanas Changing History: The First 100 Symposium

February 20–21, 2025

Chicanas Changing History: The First 100 Symposium at the University of Michigan is a two-day event that will explore how Chicana historians have transformed the way we do and understand history, as well as who is included in U.S. history. The symposium will highlight the challenges Chicana historians have faced and continue to confront in the academy while we celebrate their outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the field of history, with a particular focus on alumni and faculty from U-M. At this convening, we will celebrate the official launch of the digital archive of The First 100: Chicanas Changing History, which is maintained at the University of Michigan Library in Ann Arbor. The digital oral history archive is complemented by the project’s material artifacts, which are housed at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

The Chicanas Changing History symposium will include opening remarks by Dean Rosario Ceballo, a keynote lecture by U-M alum Dr. Natalia Molina, panel discussions, public receptions, an exhibition tour of La Raza Art and Media Collective, 1975 – Today, at the University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA), and a ribbon-cutting to officially launch the digital archive at the U-M Library.

Through oral histories, data collection, exhibitions, and public programs, this project honors the contributions of the first 100 Chicanas to earn doctoral degrees in any field of history. It is also an intervention: interrogating the academy’s organizational culture that systematically excludes Chicanas is at the core of this initiative. The First 100: Chicanas Changing History was founded by Dr. Lorena Chambers, who received her doctorate from the History Department at the University of Michigan.

Join us February 20-21, 2025, to learn about this archival project and how and why we need initiatives like this to create positive change. All symposium events are free and open to all.

Participants: Dean Rosario Ceballo, Lorena Chambers, Dave Choberka, Raevin Jimenez, Natalia Molina, Edras Rodriguez-Torres, George Sanchez, ToniAnn Treviño, Félix Zamora Gómez, and more.

Chicanas Changing History: The First 100 Symposium is organized by the Inclusive History Project, the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, the U-M Library, the University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA), and UMMA’s exhibition, La Raza Art and Media Collective, 1975-Today. It is presented in partnership with the LSA Latina/o Studies Program, LSA Department of American Culture, Stamps School of Art & Design, and the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.


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For questions or more information, please contact [email protected].
